Wednesday 12 January 2011

Rickshaw Run - Highs and Lows

I put forward a few questions to the maker of the Poonhill Express Movie about the Rickshaw Run and I'm sure the answers will prove interesting for future participants.

What was the best single moment on the trip?

Driving through the mountains in Nepal. After the relentless noise and bustle of India it was such a dramatic change crossing the border and entering the peace and beautiful emptiness of Nepal.

On a personal note the moment I managed to make a spark plug out of two broken ones which got us the last 500km was about the manliest thing I've ever done.

What was the hardest part of the trip?

Realising that it wasn't a tourist trip. Before we went we had so many grand plans about all the things in India we wanted to see. The reality was that there was far too much driving for all that, sometimes up to 14 hours a day. However, we got to see things and places and meet people we would never have any been able to any other way.

What was your favourite place during the journey and why?

We took a morning to visit the Ellora Caves near Aurangabad. They are a series of 30+ temples carved into the hillside. It was a truly amazing place to be and something I'll never forget.

Rickshaws look easy to nick, were you not worried you'd wake up to find it gone in the morning or is rickshaw theft punishable by hanging in India?

It was definitely a concern but, much like the terror of driving in India, it subsided after a day or two. There wasn't really much choice but to trust that the Rickshaw would be there the next day. They are pretty recognisable when you put one against a proper working rickshaw and they aren't worth a lot so it probably wasn't worth nicking anyway. After about 1500km the exhaust started dropping off and after we got bored of fixing it properly it was held on by coathangers which made the rickshaw incredibly loud so anyone who started it would know it definitely wasn't worth the risk.

Were there any teams that either didn't make it due to bad luck or couldn't stand it, had a tiff, packed up and went back home and bought a Bentley?

I heard that one team immediately loaded their rickshaw on to a train because they wanted to spend extra time in North Western India and apparently when they got off the train at the other end the rickshaw was nowhere to be seen. Another team rolled their rickshaw on the last day but got it going again, less a few bits of glazing and bodywork, and made it to the finish anyway.

What happens at the end of the race, is there a base where participants wait for other teams to come in, what's it like and what's the atmosphere there?

There was a board at one of the hotels, which had been declared the finish line. When teams arrived they were put up on the board and then everyone met up for the finishing parade, football match and party. The atmosphere was fantastic, spending a few days exchanging stories, drinking, dancing, eating and finally getting to stay still for a bit was just a great and unforgettable experience.

What was the locals reaction to seeing foreigners in rickshaws?

Everywhere we went everyone wanted to talk to us about what we were doing and why. We never really managed to explain why we were making the trip in a rickshaw but it was a great ice breaker and definitely drew a crowd in big cities and small villages alike.
When we broke down, wherever we were, we were instantly surrounded by people who genuinely just wanted to help and that alone was a great part of the experience.

Was this the first time you participated in an eccentric charity event? If not, what was your first?

I've not done anything like this before. I've been involved in working with charities in the UK and abroad. I have to confess the motivation was much more about having an adventure. Raising money for charity was just an added bonus really. However, in Nepal we had a chance to meet people from one of the charities involved and it really changed my perspective on things. If/When I do something like this again the fund raising is likely to take much greater priority.

Do you have any entries to events by The Adventurists or something similar planned in the future?

Myself and a friend are hopefully planning to do the Mototaxi Junket this year. It seems to me it's like the Rickshaw Run but with much more danger of death which quite frankly is exactly what I'm looking for.